Embedding YouTube videos is a great way to add a multimedia aspect to things like blog posts and articles. Finding the right videos to go with your written content (or images) can substantially enhance the overall post.
Like everything with YouTube, there are proper ways to go about embedding content and, for the most part, they are straightforward to easy to avoid getting yourself warned or banned. The biggest mistake you can make is trying to mess with the functionality of YouTube’s embed since the worst you’re likely to face from the content itself is the video being taken down.
As always, we’d recommend sticking within YouTube’s guidelines, even when the risk of getting caught looks so vanishingly small that it will probably never happen.
2025年 当月・次月以降の案内 連絡事項
3月2日(日曜) 岐阜県 金華山(岐阜城) 残念ながら、天気が雨模様の為、9日に延期します。
4月13日(日曜) 京都府木津川市 浄瑠璃寺、岩船寺 「予備日:4月20日」
4月例会日の変更について: 6日が鈴鹿F1決勝日でバスの手配ができなくなった為です。
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